Meet the Castlebridge Interns!

Hi, my name is Carey Lening, and I work for the lovely folks over at Castlebridge with all things data protection, data governance and strategy. But in my spare time, I also work as a foster mom for the Liffey Cat Club, whose tireless volunteers and supporters help to ensure that kittens and cats are brought off the streets and into wonderful homes.

This page aims to marry my two passions, with a little bit of name punning (Castlebridge, Catslebridge, get it?!?), and a thought I started floating around in July: a page devoted to the various kittiens and cats who are currently in my care, and who my boss and I are now lovingly referring to as the ‘Castlebridge Interns’.

You’ll find a bio of each Catslebridge intern on the website, including our interns on secondment at other homes. If you’re interested send the folks at Liffey Cat Club an email!